Tuesday 13 November 2012

History is History

November 19th provides us with a long-awaited play by one of our most illustrious allumni, Roger Mayhew. It's a stageplay so topical that the pixels haven't even dried yet. As Roger explains:

"Abby has gone to the School Prizegiving to see her daughter win an award for History but is unaware that her own past is about to catch up with her".

So what do you think? Is she about to be exposed as a closet Tory, paedophile, or both? Or is she herself the victim, about to wreak revenge on her tormentors? If the Newsnight crew are in the house, all bets are off.

Come along on Monday at 7.45 and all will be revealed.

Well actually it's the future. Owing to a fixture clash, History has been postponed. It'll reappear next term. Sorry.

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