Monday 28th February brings us one of the highlights of the year. First is
Michelle Flower, one of the brains behind the
Camden Fringe, who is coming to give us a talk in which all your questions about this most magnificent edifice get answered. Come along, be inspired, and put your own play on this August. It's that simple!

Then, comes a tv sitcom pilot co-written by Peter Vincent and Dana Morgan entitled Dreadfeathers Farm. If you know who Peter is then he needs no introduction. If you don't, then you should. You'll almost certainly have laughed at something he's written, unless you're very young, in which case you should be in bed, or you've never owned a tv, in which case you have come to the wrong place.
Check this lot out. And Dana? She's relatively new to this
writing game. But if she's good enough for Peter, she's good enough for the rest of us.
Come along on Monday. First for wisdom, then for laughter.