The Camden Fringe is up and running now. Love and Other Games may have ended, but this week there are three openings. the fan & THE STAR & the star & THE FAN, which I mentioned
last week, opens at 7 tonight at Rada. Before then, though, is the stage version of Pandora's Boxes, by Denise O'Leary. Last time around it was a radio play. It narrowly missed being put on radio four, instead settling for the unusual surrounds of Resonance FM. Now it's back with the same director,
Dimitry Devdariani, but a whole new cast. And it's on at the Etcetera. Four thirty in the afternoon, but we all need an excuse to take the afternoon off, don't we?
Then, for two nights only, comes Eamon McDonnell, in tandem with Tony Kirwood, making his third appearance in three years. This time it's a satirical take on contemporary mores. i.e. a series of sketches.
Brokeback Britain starts on Tuesday 9th, again at the Etcetera. Peter Thompson is intending to see all three shows in the same day. Why don't you join him?