Our photographer was Kim Sheard, and if you'd like one, two, or more, have a look at her website. Enter PP Showcase July 09 in the box provided, press "Next" and a gallery of shots will magically appear! Same as last time, there are both the shots taken during the tech time and the shots from the show itself.

**Standard 6x4 prints cost £6.00, 9x6 are £7.50. Anything larger can be quoted as desired. (postage costs are £1.50)
**Digital copies can also be supplied via internet transfer and cost a base fee of £3.00 with each desired image in both high (print)and medium (email) resolution formats costing £5.00.

Should someone purchase £15 or more, a complimentary group photo of their choice (6x4 print or file transferred electronically) will be added to their order.